You heard it here first

Anti-democratic forces have been robo-calling in Massachusetts, “notifying” voters that due to the hurricane the election has been postponed until Wednesday.

Author: Lowry Heussler

Lowry Heussler is a lawyer from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Having participated in the RBC as a guest-blogger, she made it official in 2012. Her most important contribution to the field of public policy to date was her 1994 instruction to Mark Kleiman, "Read Ann Landers every day. You need to learn about real people." Her essay on the 2009 arrest of Henry Louis Gates went viral and brought about one of her proudest moments, being described as "just another twit along the lines of Sharpton, Jackson, Gates, etc." (Small Dead Animals Blog). Currently serving as General Counsel to BOTEC Analysis Corp., she has been a public housing lawyer, a prosecutor for the Board of Registration in Medicine, a large-firm associate and a small-firm partner. She serves as a board member for NEADS, Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans, a charity that trains service dogs to increase independence for people with disabilities.

13 thoughts on “You heard it here first”

  1. In a way, this is more surprising than the traditional misinformation tactics of flyering and voter suppression - this surely will have generated records that will be difficult to explain away, and that could result in jail time.

    In other despicable news, Connecticut Republican Senate nominee Linda McMahon, who endorsed Romney early and has spent $150k to elect him, has used official campaign funds to flyer minority neighborhoods claiming she supports Obama.

    1. McMahon doesn’t say in the flyer that she supports Obama. She is only asking people to vote on the “independent line” for Obama for president and McMahon for Senate. It actually doesn’t strike me as that despicable-only political, hypocritical, and self-serving.

      1. When a flyer paid for by McMahon For Senate says “Vote Barack Obama for President”, I take that to mean what it says.

  2. Especially after the conviction of Julius Henson in Marylaned, one would hope that the threat of prosecution would have tamped down on these sorts of robo-call shenanigans.

    1. Considering the cash value of political office in this country, I don’t see why you think anyone would be deterred by the threat of being prosecuted (which, in any case, Republicans like other mafiosi see as a badge of honor rather than a social disgrace). It is the fear of punishment that has the power to deter and the Henson case made it clear that voter suppression by Republicans isn’t taken seriously by judges. Henson was sentenced to a grand total of 60 day, of which he apparently served less than half. Big deal. He’s a stand up guy and therefore eligible for wingnut welfare, so he spends a month in the slammer for a lifetime of being taken care in style by the party.

      If Henson had gotten some real prison time, maybe the current crop would have thought twice but as it stands now I doubt seriously whether any Republican operative would be deterred from this time of activity by the threat of maybe doing 30 days in jail.

      1. Re: cash value of political office.

        If Romney gets elected and gets to enact Ryan’s tax changes, he will personally benefit to the tune of 10’s of millions of dollars over the next decade. Not a bad return for the time and money he has invested in this campaign. The man knows a good leveraged deal when he sees one.

  3. Especially after the conviction of Julius Henson in Maryland, one would hope that the threat of prosecution would have tamped down on these sorts of robo-call shenanigans.

  4. Citation, please? Somebody “currently working in the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development” should have enough contacts in the media to make sure this is reported.

      1. Thanks, but as of the time of this posting _all_ of the first page of the Google listings point back to this blog or Ms. Heussler. Still waiting to have some independent confirmation…

        1. try harder.

          (And if what you say is true, there’s something deeply weird about the way Google is personalizing the results for you; I’m certain I spend as much time on this blog as you do, and only one of the results was this blog. Also, you could always add the search term “-Heussler” to remove results naming her)

  5. Don’t you just wish that there was somebody in Massachusetts law enforcement that could just jump on this with both feet. You know, really go after this scum like gangbusters. Make fast arrests, push the prosecutions through the system and demand maximum sentences. Somebody like, say, the Attorney General? But, sadly, no. There is no such person.

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