What happens when undergraduates take on Iran?

Two weeks ago, 160 of my Stanford students took on Iran’s nuclear crisis in a two-day simulation. They found out what the US government has known for decades: These kinds of fun and games can be serious learning tools. Online is all the rage these days in higher education. But foreign policy making is still an up-close-and-personal contact sport. Tomorrow’s leaders need to learn how to play it.  My full Foreign Policy post is here.  http://atfp.co/YCx7rf

Author: Amy Zegart

Amy Zegart is a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. She is also a faculty affiliate at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and a professor of political economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (by courtesy). Her research examines national security agencies, American foreign policy, and anything scary. Academic publications include two award-winning books: Spying Blind, which examines intelligence adaptation failures before 9/11, and Flawed by Design, which chronicles the evolution of America’s national security architecture. She is currently working on a book about intelligence in the post-9/11 world. Zegart writes an intelligence column at foreignpolicy.com, and her pieces have also appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times. Previously, she taught at UCLA and worked at McKinsey & Company. A former Fulbright Scholar, she received an A.B. in East Asian Studies from Harvard and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Stanford. A native Kentuckian, she loves to watch good college football and bad reality TV.