U.S.D.C. for D.C. Upholds Constitutionality of Mueller Appointment in Russian Troll Farm Case

As many of you know, I have a pet peeve:  I believe that when news media report on legal opinions or studies, they should directly link to the opinions or studies that are the subject of their reporting.  Because news media are reluctant to do so, I am going to post links here.

Now, a warning:  I have a day job.  I may (and, probably more often than not, will) post opinions and studies that I have not read completely.  That’s not my job:  It’s yours.  My job is only to provide access to the material.  Accordingly, material will be posted with a minimum of editorial comment.

Today, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Friedrich, J.) dismissed a challenge by an indicted alleged “troll farm,” Concord Management and Consulting LLC, to the appointment of the special prosecutor .  The case is U.S. v. Concord Management and Consulting LLC, and the Court’s opinion is here.  I obtained the download from Matthew Kahn’s posting on the Lawfare blog.

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