A seven question political history trivia quiz
In my continuing quest to waste my own time and help you to do the same, I have created this pub quiz about political history. The format is “These but not those”.
An example format of the prompt is:
President, Senator and Governor but not Secretary of State or FBI Director
To which the answer would be: Positions to which people are elected by vote.
Google not and see if you can answer the seven questions below. I put my answers after the jump. There could easily be more than one correct, important answer (i.e., not a trivial one like “words with an n in them”). If you don’t get my answer but have a credible alternative please post it and take the points for a correct answer.
In any event, please post your score. Good luck!
1. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and Harry Truman but not Jimmy Carter or Richard Nixon.
2. Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General but not Secretary of the Interior or Secretary of Agriculture.
3. Winfield Scott, Zachary Taylor, Henry Clay and Millard Fillmore but not Franklin Pierce or Ulysses S. Grant.
4. William Henry Harrison, James Garfield, William Howard Taft and William McKinley but not Calvin Coolidge or Chester A. Arthur
5. U.K. Prime Ministers Ramsey McDonald, Gordon Brown and Henry Campbell-Bannerman but not Tony Blair or Winston Churchill
6. James Garfield, William Henry Harrison and Franklin Delano Roosevelt but not Richard Nixon or Woodrow Wilson.
7. John Nance Garner, Harry Truman and Henry Wallace but not Alben Barkley or Thomas Dewey
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