Megyn Kelly and the arc of history

Yes, Megyn Kelly is dreaming of a white Christmas. But she assumes that Jews are white. Who knew?

Yes, we all know that Megyn Kelly is dreaming of a white Christmas, with a white Santa and a white Jesus. And yes, she’s collecting the mockery she deserves.

But look on the bright side. Kelly’s puzzlement is based on her unthinking assumption that Jews are white people. That seems uncontroversial today, but the Megyn Kellys of a century ago regarded Jews as a racially different group, along with Italians and Slavs, in arguing for the immigration laws the Megyn Kellys of today still defend, though the targets of ethnic exclusion have shifted. And two generations earlier than that, the Know-Nothings would have raised serious questions about Kelly’s own whiteness.

So be cheerful. The arc of history does indeed bend toward justice; it’s just that on Fox News it has a larger radius of curvature.

Judicial misconduct Dep’t

Q. What’s the difference between Anton Scalia and a standard-issue GOP hack?

A. Difference?

I’m not that old, but I remember a time when Supreme Court justices did not make partisan campaign speeches from the Bench.

Perhaps if Justice Scalia stopped hyperventilating, he might be able to observe the rules of logic. If the ability “to exclude unwanted persons and things from the territory,” is “an inherent attribute of sovereignty, and if the states are sovereign in that sense, why can’t a state exclude homosexuals, or Jews, or Catholics, or Republicans?

I’m with Joe Gandelman: time for Scalia to get his own show on Fox News and allow someone with a modicum of judicial temperament to do the judging.




To be well positioned in a Republican primary, a candidate needs to want children brought to this country by their undocumented parents to remain both ignorant and sick. In this country’s long history, has there ever before been a major party so flat-out morally depraved?

Mitt Romney is appalled that Rick Perry provided education for “illegals.” But Rick Perry has a good riposte to that: Romneycare in Massachusetts provided them with medical care.

So: to be well positioned in a Republican primary, a candidate needs to want children brought to this country by their undocumented parents to remain both ignorant and sick.

And none of the rest of the Nine Dwarves has the decency to challenge this disgusting nonsense. Has there ever been a major party in this country’s history so flat-out morally depraved?