Eugene Volokh says the thing that is

Unlike most of Red Blogistan, the original Volokh Conspirator knows bad logic and bad manners when he sees them, and isn’t afraid of Rush Limbaugh.

The performance of the Red commentariat in the Limbaugh-Fluke affair has been even more disgraceful than the performance of Republican candidates and office-holders, with lots of bloggers joining in the anti-Fluke sliming party and many of them - including Erick Erickson - embracing the idea that somehow paying for expensive contraception implies having a lot of sex, and that this in turn implies having many sexual partners, or the idea that a requirement that privately-paid health insurance cover contraception is somehow the same as a taxpayer subsidy, and that the Obama rule requires taxpayers to pay for other people’s sexual activity.

A few, unwilling to defend Limbaugh, instead attack the Democrats for criticizing him. But that’s not really much better.

Now contrast my friend Eugene Volokh. He and I don’t agree on much politically, but he knows bad logic and bad manners when he sees them, and isn’t afraid of Rush Limbaugh.

I would think that parents would much rather hear on the radio that their 21-year-old daughters are using birth control than that their grown sons are calling women “sluts” on national radio.

Good for him!