
Our current President likes to give individuals he dislikes nicknames: “Rocket Man,” “Liddle,” “Pocahantas,” etc. I’d like to suggest one for him, one that considers where his militaristic motivation may come from. Anyone who, like Senator McCain, truly experienced war would not have the same aggressive stance as Donald Trump. So I think that Mr. Trump should be known as “President Bone Spurs,” in recognition of how he personally dealt with his possible involvement with the military. Other suggestions?

Author: Mike Maltz

Michael D. Maltz is Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice and of Information and Decision Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is currently an adjunct professor of sociology at the Ohio State University His formal training is in electrical engineering (BEE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1959; MS & PhD Stanford University, 1961, 1963), and he spent seven years in that field. He then joined the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice (now National Institute of Justice), where he became a criminologist of sorts. After three years with NIJ, he spent thirty years at the University of Illinois at Chicago, during which time he was a part-time Visiting Fellow at the US Bureau of Justice Statistics. Maltz is the author of Recidivism, coauthor of Mapping Crime in Its Community Setting, and coeditor of Envisioning Criminology.

14 thoughts on “Nicknames”

  1. "Bone Spurs" works pretty well, because when we decide to abbreviate it, he can be referred to as President BS.

  2. "Commander Bone Spurs" — in commemoration of his meritorious service in Nam.

    And b/c he sure ain't *my* Preznit.

  3. I hope that in the future, Trump's name alone will be a vile slur. No one uses Hitler, Mussolini, Caligula, Torquemada, Jimmy Carter, Stalin or Mao to compliment someone. (Like Marge Simpson, I voted for Carter - twice - before he was dubbed "History's Greatest Monster.") Godwin's law will be expanded to include Trump.

    If, in the future, none of the names above live in infamy, be careful bestowing belittling nicknames on President for Life Donald Trump III. (Barron will be outside the line of succession, ostensibly because he was born of a foreigner, but in actuality because he developed a conscience.) That will be an even greater crime than kneeling for the new national anthem, "Hail Trump, the Orange Father of Us All."

  4. I've seen it elsewhere, so it may stick. The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a pen is a good guy with a pen.

  5. I wonder if someone might Dan Savage him, and come up with a popular new use for Trump (as Savage did for Santorum). I had a particularly messy and malodorous trump this morning. I need to scrape some of the moist mildewy trump off the underside of my scrotum. I caught a virulent case of rectal trump at a Burmese brothel last week. I popped an angry red trump that oozed pus for hours. But Twitler and Bone Spurs are fine epithets as well, and nuthin' wrong with Mein Trumpf. Arnold's old one, Der Gropenfuhrer could also be resuscitated.

  6. I'd been partial to "Il Douche", but I must hand it to Sec. Tillerson, "Fucking Moron" is the best nickname I've ever heard.

  7. I'm going to vote for whatever it is that General Kelly mutters to himself as he heads into work in the morning. Sadly, Marines being Marines, we'll never know what it is, but whatever it is, Marines being Marines, I bet it's got everything else beat.

  8. George IV of England, earlier Prince Regent, was nicknamed the "Prince of Whales". That's funny but too gentle. "Crassus" would fit better, and many will have heard of this horrible and hubristic man through the film Spartacus, in which he is campily played by Laurence Olivier.

  9. George IV of England, earlier Prince Regent, was nicknamed the "Prince of Whales". That's funny but too gentle. "Crassus" would fit better, and many will have heard of this horrible and hubristic man through the film Spartacus, in which he is campily played by Laurence Olivier.

    Trawling Wikipedia, I came across Gleb II of Riazan (d.aft.1237), "nicknamed The Damned". I don't really want to know why. "The Hagfish" also has a nice ring. I wrote about this loathsome but resilient creature here.

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