OK, I’ll play Keith’s game, though my movie moment wasn’t nearly as dramatic as his.
Shortly after I moved to Los Angeles, my parents came out to visit. (That’s when I learned that living in LA had been my father’s youthful dream, which he still regretted not having acted out.)
I decided to take them to the planetarium in Griffith Park, which I’d never been to. Called to get directions. Got to the place where the directions told me to go the wrong way on a one-way street.
Now we’re wandering around LA, with me trying to navigate with the aid of my Thomas Guide. (For our younger readers, that’s a primitive substitute for a Garmin.)
Eventually we were on a palm-lined boulevard, heading uphill. I said, “I think we’re going the right way.” But of course, never having been there, I had no rational basis for that belief.
About half a minute later, I said, “I know we’re going the right way.” And I did. I’d never been there before in person, but that drive up the hill, with palm trees lining the road, is the opening scene of “Rebel Without a Cause.”