
It seems that every day brings another example of malfeasance from the Trump Administration.  But let’s not forget misfeasance.

Suicide among military veterans is a major problem.  Here’s this report from the GAO entitled VA HEALTH CARE Improvements Needed in Suicide Prevention Media Outreach Campaign Oversight and Evaluation.  This jumps out:

VHA had a total budget of $17.7 million for its suicide prevention and mental health media outreach for fiscal year 2018, of which $6.2 million was obligated for suicide prevention paid media. As of September 2018, VHA said it had spent $57,000 of its $6.2 million paid media budget.

Report at 14 (page 18 of the pdf).

In essence, the VA is, for all intents and purposes, not spending any of its budget allocation for media outreach.

5 thoughts on “Misfeasance”

  1. Is this misfeasance or malfeasance? Perhaps it was a conscious decision not to spend the money. Veterans, after all, tend not to be millionaires, and they include a substantial number of non-white people.

    1. Trump is probably guilty of champerty, maintenance, breach of promise, killing royal swans, bitcoin counterfeiting and petty treason. Avenatti and Mueller are no doubt boning up on an interesting range of crimes.

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