Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Founded by Mark Kleiman (1951-2019)
Less crime, less punishment, better production values
Reason.tv manages to make me look sane and smart. Didn’t know that could be done.
Zach Weissmueller of Reason.tv demonstrates that there is a level of production skill adequate to overcome my basic incompetence as an interviewee. The result is the best short version ever of When Brute Force Fails. All that’s left out is the details of the successful innovations such as HOPE and High Point.
Author: Mark Kleiman
Professor of Public Policy at the NYU Marron Institute for Urban Management and editor of the Journal of Drug Policy Analysis. Teaches about the methods of policy analysis about drug abuse control and crime control policy, working out the implications of two principles: that swift and certain sanctions don't have to be severe to be effective, and that well-designed threats usually don't have to be carried out.
Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know (with Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken)
When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment (Princeton, 2009; named one of the "books of the year" by The EconomistAgainst Excess: Drug Policy for Results (Basic, 1993)
Marijuana: Costs of Abuse, Costs of Control (Greenwood, 1989)
UCLA HomepageCurriculum Vitae
Contact: Markarkleiman-at-gmail.com
View all posts by Mark Kleiman
6 thoughts on “Less crime, less punishment, better production values”
This video is as brilliant as your book. Can't wait to show it to my Law & Econ class, when we get to the section on Crime & Punishment.
You should be careful consorting with them there libertarians or you'll be on a slippery slope to becoming a libertarian like Matthew Yglesias. 🙂
Great stuff! I think you're, perhaps, the top voice that needs to get out there making the case for any number of sane, humane policies. I call on Pres. Obama to get Mark Kleiman out there onto TV!
And when you get out there — with luck, in time to actually help us — I'd only recommend that you slow down a little bit and give us listeners time to catch up. Your brain seems to work much faster than mine, for sure.
I'd have liked for a long pause between "We have much too much crime." and "We have an intolerable number of people behind bars.
This is as important as war, you're the general officer with the plan to win, and you have to sell it to dolts like me.
Meaning no commentary on the pulchritude of the participants in these sorts of discussions (and not even having watched this one yet; maybe it has important visual aids), I find that this sort of conversation makes great radio, especially when I can download it and carry it in my pocket, but putting it on video and tethering it to my computer makes little sense. Bloggingheads, when it's good, is an excellent audio podcast, but I've never understood why anyone would actually watch it. Is it just because the participants are driven by the illusion of being on TV, are hoping to gain skills and practice for going on real TV shows, or trying to demonstrate to producers that they already have such skills?
You don't need a "crime czar" but Mark looks the part for a Crime Patriarch.
Please explain the thing with feathers that appears to be hanging from the top of your right ear. Is that HOPE?
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This video is as brilliant as your book. Can't wait to show it to my Law & Econ class, when we get to the section on Crime & Punishment.
You should be careful consorting with them there libertarians or you'll be on a slippery slope to becoming a libertarian like Matthew Yglesias. 🙂
Great stuff! I think you're, perhaps, the top voice that needs to get out there making the case for any number of sane, humane policies. I call on Pres. Obama to get Mark Kleiman out there onto TV!
And when you get out there — with luck, in time to actually help us — I'd only recommend that you slow down a little bit and give us listeners time to catch up. Your brain seems to work much faster than mine, for sure.
I'd have liked for a long pause between "We have much too much crime." and "We have an intolerable number of people behind bars.
This is as important as war, you're the general officer with the plan to win, and you have to sell it to dolts like me.
Meaning no commentary on the pulchritude of the participants in these sorts of discussions (and not even having watched this one yet; maybe it has important visual aids), I find that this sort of conversation makes great radio, especially when I can download it and carry it in my pocket, but putting it on video and tethering it to my computer makes little sense. Bloggingheads, when it's good, is an excellent audio podcast, but I've never understood why anyone would actually watch it. Is it just because the participants are driven by the illusion of being on TV, are hoping to gain skills and practice for going on real TV shows, or trying to demonstrate to producers that they already have such skills?
You don't need a "crime czar" but Mark looks the part for a Crime Patriarch.
Please explain the thing with feathers that appears to be hanging from the top of your right ear. Is that HOPE?