Washington Initiative 502
A $4 million marijuana campaign warchest - Seattle Pi
Washington pot measure continues powerhouse fundraising, hits $4 million mark - Jeff Mapes at The Oregonian
Op-ed: Legalize marijuana for racial-justice reasons - Spearit at the Seattle Times
What Debating I-502 In the Middle of the Day on KCTS 9 Looks Like - Matt Driscoll at the Seattle Weekly
Rick Steves on I-502: The case for legalizing, taxing and regulating marijuana - Village Soup
Op-ed: Don’t legalize marijuana. It’s addictive - Robert Dupont and Andrea Barthwell at the Seattle Times
Advocates clash over state ballot measures - Olivia Henry at Western Front
$1 million more for marijuana legalization campaign — and support from King County sheriff - Jonathan Martin at the Seattle Times
Editorial: Legalizing and Taxing Marijuana - The Columbian
Video: Initiative 502 Debate - KCTS 9 Public Television
Colorado Amendment 64
A pro Amendment 64 response to Res Stecker’s Sept. 20 column … - Hamilton Reed at Rocky Mountain Collegian
Marijuana Reform Supporters Nationwide Can Help Oregon Legalization Initative - Johnny Green at The Weed Blog
Video: Yes on 64 — Milton Friedman and marijuana prohibition - YouTube
Sharpe: Need to separate hard and soft drug markets - letter to the editor, Robert Sharpe at Common Sense for Drug Policy
Debate Over Legalizing Marijuana Heats Up - KKTV 11 Southern Colorado
Oregon Measure 80
Pot measure explanation missing crucial information about limits, DA says - Harry Esteve at The Oregonian
Marijuana: 75 Years of Failed Prohibition - Amanda Rain at Blue Oregon
Measure 80 leaves too many loop holes - Argus Observer
Note: The authors of Marijuana Legalization: What Everybody Needs To Know do not necessarily endorse or approve any of the specific stories listed here. These stories are posted in order to provide coverage to the upcoming elections, not to demonstrate the authors’ viewpoints.