Washington Initiative 502
Monday briefing: a Todd Akin turnaround?; “Pot mama†leads I-502 campaign - Seattle Times (blog)
Colorado Amendment 64
Video: Part 2 of Amendment 64 debate and more - Denver Westword
Pot legalization measure leads voters to debate safety, economy - Denver Post
State Sen. Shawn Mitchell comes out in favor of ballot measure legalizing pot - Denver Post (blog)
Party Lines Tangle in Marijuana Legalization Debate - Valerie Richardson at the Colorado Observer
Oregon Measure 80
Clatsop County Sheriff candidates stake their ground - Daily Astorian
Donors keeping distance from Ore. pot campaign - Seattle Times
Measure 80 Debate Analysis - Russ Belville Show
Many Oregonians Still Undecided on Measure 80 to Legalize Marijuana - NORML
Note: The authors of Marijuana Legalization: What Everybody Needs To Know do not necessarily endorse or approve any of the specific stories listed here. These stories are posted in order to provide coverage to the upcoming elections, not to demonstrate the authors’ viewpoints.