So much for any thought that this administration is ever going to deal with the Saudi problem. Henry the K has been in their pocket since forever. Remember, he’s the one who decided that the oil price increase of 1973 was A Good Thing because it would help the Saudis (and the Shah) buy lots of fancy weapons.
Here’s the Highly-Placed Source himself, quoted on the official Saudi website.
The former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has said that the accusation that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an enemy of the United States of America is “extravagant and does not relate to truth”. In an interview with NBC, broadcast last night, Kissinger said: “it is not acceptable to depict Saudi Arabia as a terrorist state, given its long history of cooperation with the United States in this and other vital fields”.
Christopher Hitchens angrily asks:
“…can Congress and the media be expected to swallow the appointment of a proven coverup artist, a discredited historian, a busted liar, and a man who is wanted in many jurisdictions for the vilest of offenses?”
Why, yes.
Any other questions?
[Sisyphyus Shrugged nominates Hitchens for the Claude Rains award, which I don’t think is quite fair. Captain Renault’s outrage was synthetic. My guess is that Hitchens’s is quite real. He typifies the naivete that often underlies surface cynicism. That is, he is always on the lookout for evil individuals, or even evil conspiracies, but — oddly for someone who used to be a Marxist — doesn’t notice that some circumstances generate systematically evil behavior from perfectly normal human beings.]