Of course, I was snarking (at libertarian idiocy) when I wrote in this space a week ago:
Shouldn’t the Chinese government be praised for freeing pet-food and children’s-toy entrepreneurs from the deadening hand of regulation? How do we know that the buyers of those products weren’t making perfectly sensible decisions to accept somewhat higher risk of poisoning their pets or kids in return for somewhat lower prices?
But apparently Erin Burnett of CNBC was perfectly serious when she told Chris Matthews (about 2:40 on the clip):
People should be careful what they wish for … if China … is to start making, say, toys that don’t have lead in them, or food that isn’t poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up. And that means prices at Walmart, here in the United States, are going to go up too. So, I would say China is our greatest friend right now. They’re keeping prices low.
Words fail.
h/t: Hunter at Daily Kos, via Ezra Klein.
(And yes, this is the same clip where Matthews acts out the part of a dirty old man. Of course, there’s no excuse for that sort of sexist behavior, and I hope Burnett sues. Still, if this clip is any sample, leering at Burnett is certainly more rewarding than listening to her.)