I’ll take “political catchphrases” for $200.
It’s a Latin word that translates into English as “Commander-in-Chief.”
What is “Imperator”?
And while we’re at it, here’s another question: Â Why do Republicans hate the republican form of government?
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Founded by Mark Kleiman (1951-2019)
I’ll take “political catchphrases” for $200.
It’s a Latin word that translates into English as “Commander-in-Chief.”
What is “Imperator”?
And while we’re at it, here’s another question: Â Why do Republicans hate the republican form of government?
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Mark, could you please provide context?
I can take a stab at this one. I think Mark is referring to a line in Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech that went, “To win that war, we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law.” This was along with the lines about Obama needing a telelprompter (before she was caught literally red-handed with her own "palm pilot" notes).
Snide, nasty, dumb, and mentally slatternly. The Commander in Chief was only one aspect of the sorry mess.
Bingo. I've now linked.
Interesting. The CBS story mentioned some things about the Palin style, but missed the one thing that will keep her out of the White House even if the lack of substance does not. People respond unconsciously to non-verbal behavior, and her sing-song voice tone will not serve her well in the long run. It gets on people's nerves after a while, and it just ain't presidential. Forget the ridiculous content; the analog and not the digital channel will be the thing that sinks her presidential ship.
Time to read Mommsen on class dynamics in the Roman Republic. It's tough to make a meaningful comparison, but it seems the modern Republican (sic) party are better at astro-turf Populism(tm) than the Roman patricians were.
One other point about the Palin tea party appearance: was she really wearing an Israeli flag lapel pin during the speech? We heard all kinds of things about the little list of talking points on the palm of her hand, but nothing about her sporting the emblem of a foreign country next to the standard US flag lapel pin. It is one thing to treat Israel as a US ally, but quite another to treat it as the virtual 51st state. I wonder why this did not gather more attention in the ultra-liberal mainstream news media. Any ideas or comments?