*Hume’s Politics* (by Andrew Sabl) is now available.
My book Hume’s Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the History of England is, at long last, in print.
Alert readers may have noticed that I often link to a book’s page at Powell’s, rather than Amazon. But in this case Powell’s price is unaccountably high compared to the list price at Princeton University Press (above), or at Barnes and Noble, which discounts the book even further to just above forty bucks and also has an e-reader version available (as Amazon doesn’t yet).
By the way, please ignore the cliché in this case and judge the book by its cover:
Author: Andrew Sabl
Andrew Sabl, a political theorist, is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He is the author of Ruling Passions: Political Offices and Democratic Ethics and Hume’s Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the History of England, both from Princeton University Press. His research interests include political ethics, liberal and democratic theory, toleration, the work of David Hume, and the realist school of contemporary political thought. He is currently finishing a book for Harvard University Press titled The Uses of Hypocrisy: An Essay on Toleration. He divides his time between Toronto and Brooklyn.
View all posts by Andrew Sabl
Also — you’re right, that is a very well-done cover.
I read the book in manuscript. It’s a game-changer. Here’s my review from Amazon.
Congratulations are in order.
That being said, I’m sorry, and it sounds like a fascinating book, and I’d normally be interested in adding it to the looming pile of books I intend one day to read - but I don’t think I’m going to, just because of the price. Heck, I’d consider donating money to support the blog, but the price point on this book simply takes it outside of the realms of a casual reading/book-acquisition decision, at least for me. I understand that you can hope to make little if any money from it, and I’m not accusing anybody of any particular greed - but $50 is simply too high. This book is priced only to be sold to academic institutions, to particular enthusiasts especially dedicated to the topic, and to people vastly less price-sensitive than I am.
It is a magnificent cover-the Our Books thumbnail grabbed my eye immediately-so the text must be exquisite.
but the cover depicts a time 200 years before Hume. Is that the focus of his History, Tudor times?
The *History* covers everything from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Glorious Revolution. The press could have gone with depictions of all kinds of things. But this painting struck me, and the scene is actually apt given the book’s larger themes: the kneeling lords are acknowledging Mary, and in a few years will overwhelmingly acknowledge her half-sister Elizabeth, standing behind her, in spite of the religious factionalism that might make doing both seem impossible: the constitutional convention of hereditary monarchy was by then that strong.
Beautiful cover! No doubt the book lives up to it.
I promise I’ll read as soon as I finish Ruling Passions.