If the press didn’t keep telling me that Rudy Giuliani was a “moderate” and a “centrist,” I might not be sure. He just replaced Thomas Ravenel, his SC campaign chair — facing Federal cocaine charges — with Thomas’s father Arthur Ravenel, who once asked the crowd in a rally against removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina capitol:
Can you believe that there are those who think that the General Assembly of South Carolina is going to . . . knuckle under, roll over and do the bidding (of) that organization known as the National Association for Retarded People?
Ravenel now says that the remark was a slip of the tongue. But that seems to be only the latest spin. Back in 2000, he was quoted by the Charleston Post and Courier this way:
“I didn’t apologize to the NAACP. I apologized to the retarded folks of the world for equating them to the national NAACP,” said Ravenel, the father of a son with Down’s Syndrome. “No apologies to the NAACP or the national NAACP.”
Forget the racism for a second: The guy has a Downs Syndrome son and makes fun of “retarded people” for political laughs? Gag me with a spoon.