It is not a Rorschach ink blot, nor does it require a subjective interpretation. But what is it? A year’s free subscription to RBC for the first right answer.
UPDATE AT 6:35AM PACIFIC: No right answers so far. Here is a hint: It’s related to politics.
UPDATE AT 2:46PM PACIFIC: Many good guesses, but so far not the right one. Here is a second hint: Turned to the right.
Author: Keith Humphreys
Keith Humphreys is the Esther Ting Memorial Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University and an Honorary Professor of Psychiatry at Kings College London. His research, teaching and writing have focused on addictive disorders, self-help organizations (e.g., breast cancer support groups, Alcoholics Anonymous), evaluation research methods, and public policy related to health care, mental illness, veterans, drugs, crime and correctional systems. Professor Humphreys' over 300 scholarly articles, monographs and books have been cited over thirteen thousand times by scientific colleagues. He is a regular contributor to Washington Post and has also written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Monthly, San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian (UK), The Telegraph (UK), Times Higher Education (UK), Crossbow (UK) and other media outlets.
View all posts by Keith Humphreys
A Cy Twombly painting?
Boss Tweed.
Somebody’s ballpoint pen wasn’t working, so he scribbled a little to get it going again.
someone squatting down in front of a fire
Mommy….I hate mommy.
Alfred Hitchcock?
Big Nose McGee
Looks like a signature, maybe of a cartoonist, stylized to look like a face. No idea whose signature.
Your initials?
Jack Lew’s new signature.
George Washington.
Lew’s signature
The GOP healthcare plan they want to substitute for the ACA.
An MRI of Sarah Palin’s brain.
William Jefferson Clinton’s initials signature
Given the update … Dubya’s autograph, maybe on one of his artworks?
Henry Kissinger
Seems that Google has never seen it.
George W. Bush’s signature from his paintings?
Are the lines red?
Political fireworks.
James Thurber sketch of R.M. Nixon?
Thurber was the first person that came to mind when I saw it. Don’t know how, or if, they’re related though.
Gregg shorthand turned on its side.
Sir Humphrey Appelby
Looks like a camel’s head and neck to me. I don’t suppose that it is the symbol of a third political party, is it?
kierkegaard doodle?
That reply is not soren to the top.
I Kant let you Goethe away with that kind of Hegel-ing (or is it Haeckel-ing?). Arendt you ashamed of yourself? I realize the rest of us in this thread aren’t a bunch of haloed Engels, but we Godel our loins and try to resist such base temptations, like Popper gentle-folk should.
You get high Marx for that one.
Correct interpretation of this picture is required before voting in North Carolina. Your answer will be graded by a white Republican.
George Washington?
Part of the opening, closing pf Yes Minister.
It’s Reince Priebus’s signature. This one in particular, on his letter bullying NBC over giving favorable press to Hillary Clinton.
Please remit my free subscription c/o The Internet.
Keith’s second hint may have had a double meaning: The signature as well as the signer turned to the right, although I don’t know whether Priebus was ever more liberal than he is today. When I first read the hint, I took it to refer to right-wing politics rather than the position of the signature. I still think it looks like a camel. But now I’m going to RUSSELL up a PLATO food.
Thank you, Keith. But Warren Terra deserves one too. On second thought, perhaps you should LOCKE him out of RBC.
As Porky Pig might have said “Th-th-th-that’s Rawls folks!”
It’s what Jackie Treehorn scrawled on the notepad when he was on the phone, right?
John Lennon.
Richard Nixon’s signature. Appropriate because his last set of tapes were released.
But it may not be since a Google search turns up somewhat different curvatures. That little niggling feeling in the back of the head still wants me to say, Nixon, as if I have seen it before.
Still searching and finding interesting commentary on Obama’s. One has it vertically and says it looks like a penis. But I really like this one that suggests it easily turns into a baby t-rex:
It is not Jacob Lew’s old signature:
You do know there’s a correct answer upthread, right?
Got confused byt the tail end of the sentence about the 2nd hint. Guess my head is not over my upper respiratory infection.
Didn’t Kevin Long get it right first? I am pretty sure that identifying Reince Priebus’s signature is the new voting test here in NC.