The view from Cambridge, MA. Complete travel ban. No cars, MBTA shut down. Cormet and I think it’s great. Last night the corner grocery looked like a going-out-of-business sale. Neighbors were happily trading items (“Wait, you have kids! You need the last rotisserie chicken!”). My friend Bill, learning to bake bread, came to my door with a hot baguette wrapped in a tea towel.
Later today my neighbors and I will descend on the street with the snowblower and lots of shovels. I have snow pants, so I’m hoping the kids across the street aren’t too jaded to help me build a snowman.
Author: Lowry Heussler
Lowry Heussler is a lawyer from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Having participated in the RBC as a guest-blogger, she made it official in 2012. Her most important contribution to the field of public policy to date was her 1994 instruction to Mark Kleiman, "Read Ann Landers every day. You need to learn about real people."
Her essay on the 2009 arrest of Henry Louis Gates went viral and brought about one of her proudest moments, being described as "just another twit along the lines of Sharpton, Jackson, Gates, etc." (Small Dead Animals Blog). Currently serving as General Counsel to BOTEC Analysis Corp., she has been a public housing lawyer, a prosecutor for the Board of Registration in Medicine, a large-firm associate and a small-firm partner.
She serves as a board member for NEADS, Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans, a charity that trains service dogs to increase independence for people with disabilities.
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Promise them a pot of hot chocolate!