So far, we still don’t really know why Dick Cheney and his minions insisted on torturing prisoners, except that it wasn’t about ticking bombs and no serious intelligence professional thinks that it was about getting good information. Maybe it was for political purposes — to “prove” the Iraq-Al Qaeda link.
Or maybe it was just for the hell of it.
Remember, this is a man who relishes driving up to a pen in a limousine and blowing the heads off of defenseless animals.
I’m not necessarily against hunting if done in a sustainable way. Many hunters are genuine environmentalists. Many hunt for food, and there are those who hunt as a serious sporting venture. That is genuine hunting.
And then there is what Cheney does:
[U]nlike most of his fellow hunters across America, [Cheney] didn’t have to spend hours or even days tramping the fields and hedgerows in hopes of bagging a brace of birds for the dinner table. . . .
Upon his arrival at the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township, gamekeepers released 500 pen-raised pheasants from nets for the benefit of him and his party. . . .
Bird-shooting operations offer pheasants, quail, partridges, and mallard ducks, often dizzying the birds and planting them in front of hunters or tossing them from towers toward waiting shotguns. There are, perhaps, more than 3,000 such operations in the United States, according to outdoor writer Ted Williams.
For canned hunts involving mammals, hunters can shoot animals native to given continents—everything from Addax to Zebra—within the confines of a fenced area, assuring the animals have no opportunity to escape. . . .
Farm-raised pheasants are about as wary as urban pigeons and shooting them is nothing more than live target practice, especially when they are released from a hill in front of 10 gunners hidden below in blinds—as Cheney and his party were.
Is this description accurate? I don’t know, and certainly the source — the Humane Society — has an axe to grind (I was about to say “has a dog in the fight,” but that didn’t seem appropriate.). But that doesn’t mean that their descriptions are inaccurate. If faced with assessing the credibility of Dick Cheney versus the Humane Society, it’s not a close call.
There is a pattern here. This is a man who seems at the very least to have little compunction in inflicting pain on other living creatures. Yes, I know: that doesn’t make him a “sadist.” Indeed, since Cheney was too cowardly ever to observe any of the torture sessions or even debate someone in public about it, it can’t be said that he actually gets pleasure out of watching suffering.
But what kind of person insists on torturing people for political purposes and on blowing the heads off defenseless animals for seemingly no reason at all?