Two women will likely square off for West Virginia’s Senate seat
Archive for the ‘Women’ Category
Women’s issues may be an increasingly important factor in determining which politicians appeal to senior citizens
Allison Pearson holds nothing back in diagnosing the destruction of Australian PM Julia Gillard. Pearson argues that the Rubicon was crossed when Gillard ripped into opposition leader Tony Abbott for his misogyny: It took nine months for Julia Gillard to be ousted, but she signed her political death warrant that day, when she stopped playing [...]
Tomorrow, Los Angeles voters go to the polls to elect a new Mayor. (At least a few of them, anyway: current estimates predict onyl 25% turnout, about which more later). In September, New Yorkers will do the same. And depending upon the way things turn out, political and cultural reporters could have a field day. [...]
The right to choose is more than a slogan. It’s the right to be treated with dignity as people face some of the most intimate and difficult moments in life.
When I was a brand new baby lawyer in my twenties, I could not fathom sexual harassment. I got the point that a law school diploma and an admission to the bar were meaningless in the face of my complete lack of knowledge about how the real work of lawyering was done. I understood [...]
Five suggestions for the future to the new starlet of the Russian opposition.
There’s a difference between voting for a vicious law and being a vicious person.
Limbaugh’s website has “A Statement from Rush” that has been widely misreported as an apology for his now-famous sliming of Ms. Fluke. The original piece of schweinerei has to my knowledge attracted a clear, unambiguous condemnation from three (3) Republicans of any note: George Will, Peggy Noonan, and a senator in a tight Massachusetts race. [...]