The Carpetbagger Report says Clark is positioning himself well for 2008.
Archive for the ‘Wesley Clark’ Category
Wesley Clark is out of the race. That was the logical thing to do after finishing third twice in Southern states today. Clark made some bad plays and hit some tough breaks. (Howard Dean’s collapse came just a week too early; otherwise, we might be writing today about how Clark’s brilliant strategy of skipping Iowa [...]
John F. Kerry and Wesley K. Clark were both war heroes as junior officers in Vietnam. Clark, gravely wounded in a firefight, stayed on his feet and rallied his troops to fight off the enemy. Kerry, commanding a small fleet of gunboats on the Mekong River, organized a daring and successful counterattack on ambushers who [...]
Last week I criticized Wesley Clark for standing by and not protesting while Michael Moore called George W. Bush a “deserter.” As I read the law, Bush was not guilty of the extremely serious crime of “desertion,” but only of the less serious, though hardly trivial, offense of being Absent Without Leave (AWOL). But I [...]
Clark’s odds have clearly lengthened. The polls suggest that he was getting some votes as the perceived “anti-Dean” that are now going to Kerry and Edwards. Now we get to see whether Clark’s organization of 150,000 volunteers has staying power or not, and whether Kerry and Edwards can build finance and organization fast enough to [...]
For the first time in this campaign, I’m disappointed in my candidate. He’s made some mistakes before, but this is the first time he’s done something actually wrong. Michael Moore, at a Clark fundraiser, said that he looked forward to a debate between “the general and the deserter.” Clark, asked about it later, said: “I’ve [...]
Steve Sachs (via Instapundit) has a thoughtful post in which he compares Wesley Clark’s victory op-ed to his speech some months later criticizing the decision to go to war. He considers, but dismisses, the idea that Clark’s thought might be consistent, though complex. [Scroll down one item for more on that general issue.] Sachs makes, [...]
Philosoraptor, commenting on the Wesley Clark victory op-ed in the Times of London that is being misrepresented as “pro-war,” has a good explanation of part of what’s going on here: Clark has enough brains to understand, and enough integrity to acknowledge, the arguments in favor of courses of action which, on balance, he opposes. People [...]
Richard Cohen goes to a Clark fundraiser in Dallas and reports back. Look, no candidate ought be held to account for every comment he makes on the campaign trail. But the best spin on Howard Dean’s comment that he really thinks Clark is a Republican is: he probably didn’t mean it.