Obviously, the reason why Franklin Graham used his national television appearances on Easter Sunday to promote Birtherism is because President Obama has not invited him to the White House for lunch. Really.
Archive for the ‘Wayward press’ Category
Turns out that although Paul Ryan budget plan cuts $4.3 trillion dollars in spending, mostly for the poor and middle class, it also cuts taxes- mostly for the very wealthy — by nearly $4.2 trillion dollars, leaving only $155 billion in deficit reduction over ten years. You could get that just by cutting farm subsidies in [...]
A few days ago, I suggested that the Republican Party elite are trying to put the visibly crazy members of their party in mothballs in the run-up to the 2012 Campaign. One can tell this by watching the actions of the Official Party Organ, Pravda Foxnewskaya, in much the same way that Kremlinologists of yore would [...]
A few years ago, Mark told me that it’s easy to be a blogger on the west coast: wait until 9 pm Pacific time, look at David Brooks’ column, and point out how idiotic it is. He was right; it IS easy. But today, it’s necessary. Today (or tomorrow?), Brooks, who favored the extensions of [...]
As I noted below, Paul Ryan’s proposed budget for next year will adopt the policy of ending Medicare. Of course, we should expect the right wing’s talking points to say that it’s not ending Medicare — it’s just “reforming” it, or “transforming” it, or “modernizing” it etc. etc. This led commenter “Calling All Toasters” to [...]
No, he’s not a Mossad agent, just a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, and he wrote one of the most important lines in contemporary American journalism. Concerning Paul Ryan’s House Republican budget proposal, Ben-David observes: The plan would essentially end Medicare, which now pays most of the health-care bills for 48 million elderly and [...]
Newt Gingrich’s ideas are so profound! It’s a wonder they can be encapsulated in one New York Times fluffer!
Flat or round? Who is to know?
I didn’t know that Rupert Murdoch also bought The Financial Times as well as The Times….
There is any easy way to reduce federal spending by $47 billion a year — it’s so easy, in fact, that no one can consider it.