In Medieval Europe, it was Jews and poisoned wells. In contemporary Arizona, it’s immigrants and wildfires.
Archive for the ‘John McCain, moderate’ Category
In which it is proven that John McCain is in fact dead and has been replaced by an impostor.
Why did we work to elect Obama, Jonathan wants to know. John McCain’s comments on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell provide one answer.
Jake Tapper argues that Obama’s Spanish-language radio ad linking John McCain to Rush Limbaugh is a distortion. He’s got a kernel of a point, but that point itself is distorted. Tapper really goes into wingnut territory when he tries to exonerate Limbaugh from the charge of crude anti-Latino prejudice. His stronger argument is that Limbaugh [...]
Again, just because some are claiming that McCain is taking back his maverick image: Is there anything in John McCain’s speech last night that George W. Bush would disagree with? Anything?
No exceptions for rape, incest, or saving the mother’s life in the Republican Platform’s anti-abortion plank.
Jim Fallows has a useful take on McCain’s relatively smooth (can you say stump speech?) performance at Saddleback.
Completely. Utterly. With deep and abiding conviction.
Sarah Blustain of TNR has details, including a couple of classic McCain tantrums.
One might think that the press might feel a little sheepish about its performance during the 2000 election, in which it mindlessly repeated the notion and helped convince the public that Bush and Gore were really the same, and that there really wasn’t that much difference between the parties-an egregious journalistic failure that has already [...]