Archive for the ‘Unions and organizing’ Category

March 9th, 2011

Remember how it was necessary to rein in Wisconsin public-sector unions because of the budget crisis?  Well, it turns out that it didn’t have anything to do with the budget at all.  Nope.  Not in the least.  Oh, also — we were always at war with Eastasia.

March 1st, 2011

Republicans believe the same thing on Wednesday as they did on Monday, no matter what happened on Tuesday.

February 28th, 2011

Want to control public sector unions? Fine: increase the power of private sector unions.

February 25th, 2011

How capital smashes labor, in two sentences.

October 12th, 2010

Perhaps despite himself, David Brooks raises some good points about public sector sustainability in an otherwise-wretched column.

August 25th, 2010

An impressive group of labor, economic development, and environmental groups is pushing to give more control to states and localities. How many Republicans will support this effort to tame the federal government? Do I have to ask?

April 13th, 2010

Would the Employee Free Choice Act have saved the lives of those coal miners in West Virginia? I guess we’ll never know.

December 21st, 2008

The Detroit News reports that: Honda Motor Co. stunned investors Wednesday when it revealed at its traditional year-end news conference that it expected to lose around $1.3 billion in the second half of the year, a period that coincided with the collapse of the U.S. auto market. Meanwhile, analysts said Toyota “is highly likely to [...]

December 19th, 2008

The UAW’s Malignant Power Transcends National Boundaries!

December 19th, 2008

Don’t focus on the solution. There are many solutions. Focus on the problem: illegal union-busting activity.