My cameo in the New York Times.
Archive for the ‘Unions and organizing’ Category
125 years old, still young and still hot. I love her. I love where she stands, I love her crown of radiant wisdom and her torch and her book of laws, I love Miss Lazarus’ poem, I love that she’s an excellent sculpture on her own terms. I love that you can buy bronze paperweights [...]
The other day I received an invitation from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) for its annual fundraising dinner in Los Angeles. But what struck my eye was the icon in the middle of the invitation: “Walmart: Gala Chair.” Let’s be clear what it means to be a gala chair: it’s essentially [...]
This semester I laid on a freshman seminar about Art and Despair, partly because I was already offering Arts and Cultural Policy, partly because Cal had set up a program to encourage freshman seminars about art and promised Oakleys for any art event on campus. And partly because at that point in the fall I [...]
What’s worse? That the Right has been waging class war on working Americans for three decades? Or that progressives haven’t even been aware of it?
Borowitz: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he is not worried how history will remember him “because if I have my way, there won’t be any history teachers.”
Like California’s Pete Wilson in 1994, Scott Walker may never recover from his great victory.