“Weekly churchgoers are more likely to support torture than those who attend less often or never.” CONTROLLING FOR WHAT?
Archive for the ‘Transition 2008-2009’ Category
A book that purports to be a memoir by a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s clandestine service paints a picture of a bureaucracy without any focus or capability in human intelligence. This suggests intelligence reform requires a thorough refounding rather than rewiring at the top.
Krugman is wrong to complain about the Obamas’ holiday.
The Obama science team needs more social scientists and a global perspective.
As Mark observes, it’s a good thing that Hillary Clinton has appointed Jack Lew as budget director within the State Department. Two other things emerge from the NYT piece, one good, one bad:
1) Clinton seems to want to get State more involved in international economic affairs. This is good. Matt Yglesias [...]
Really. Maybe this is a stretch, but maybe it is connecting the dots.
The chatter has now made it to Newsweek that Obama is considering appointing William White, chief operating officer of Manhattan’s Intrepid Museum Foundation, as the next Secretary of the Navy. White is openly gay, so placing him in the Navy Secretary’s [...]
Wes Clark’s disappearance might say something a little disturbing about the military brass.
Jack Lew is going to be Hillary’s deputy for management.