Why are leftists so soft on crime and so distrustful of the law enforcement agencies that keep us safe from criminals? Don’t victims have rights, too?
Archive for the ‘Torture’ Category
To right-wingers who say that the Arizona immigration law is necessary to protect “respect for the rule of law,” there is a simple two word answer: John Yoo.
She was against them, when Lindsey Graham wanted to shred the Constitution to permit them.
Vatican II ranked torture with genocide and abortion; the Chilean Bishops threatened to excommunicate Pinochet’s torturers.
David Margolis clears Yoo and Bybee on the grounds that the dishonest memos they wrote to facilitate torture didn’t break any rules because they didn’t have “a duty to exercise independent legal judgment and to render thorough, objective, and candid legal advice.” Congress could fix that.
In light of the OPR report, it beggars the imagination for Judge Jay Bybee to tell us what constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment”, or for Professor John Yoo to teach constitutional law.
Andrew Sullivan makes a list of torture techniques he claims have been endorsed by various people on the right. I’d like to hear politicians and pundits asked to go down that list and state clearly which if any of them are acceptable in some circumstances.
n. One who believes in the rule of law.
(Per Volokh Conspirator Kenneth Anderson.)