People are calling for Van Jones to resign, but Jay Bybee remains a federal judge with life tenure. Discuss.
Archive for the ‘The wayward press’ Category
Did Janet Hook and the Los Angeles Times just get completely spun, or are they on retainer from the RNC and the insurance industry? We ask, you decide.
Why does Michael Vick have to go through a series of mea culpas and tearful apologies (not to mention a prison sentence) for torturing dogs, and Dick Cheney does not even face an investigation for torturing people?
Republicans threaten that Democratic efforts to use budget reconciliation for health reform will make them “incensed” and will refuse to cooperate. In other news, Joseph Stalin has said “no more Mr. Nice Guy.” Besides, the GOP is wrong on the law.
Doing something because it’s the right thing to do? I just don’t understand it.
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the Pitney-Milbank debate is that Dana Milbank simply is unable to read the English language and relate it to his readers.
Today’s news: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and John Bolton. Wonder why newspapers are going out of business?
Marc Cooper tells you everything you need to know about Newt Gingrich — and the media that enables him.
Lenore Skenazy, a writer not previously known to me, has captured my head and my heart. She understands statistics and risk, psychology, perception, and kids. She has her feet on the ground and her eyes open. Money quote from an interview in Slate (h/t Andrew Sullivan):
we’ve started to think of our kids as the [...]
Our coblogger Bob Frank was interviewed…that’s not exactly the word I want here…on Fox Business News by a blowhard named Stuart Varney about his interesting ideas that luck matters in life in addition to brains, hard work, and the other Horatio Alger stuff (Alger’s heroes always had an amazing and consequential stroke of luck along [...]