People are calling for Van Jones to resign, but Jay Bybee remains a federal judge with life tenure. Discuss.
Archive for the ‘The permanent campaign’ Category
Van Jones handed Republicans his own head by signing a 2004 petition that embraced 9/11 conspiracy nonsense about the Bush administration. He needs to man up and leave immediately before further damage is done.
George Will is going to call for a ground troop pullout from Afghanistan. Is he right?
From the NYT, posted 7 minutes ago: Democrats Seem Set to Go Alone on a Health Bill
Now all we need to do is get rid of the “seem,” and we’re set.
Making Whole Foods hurt where it lives will probably require some picketing — wouldn’t it nice if the White House had an operation devoted to organizing communities on his behalf?
If the administration is hoping to rally Democrats around the country to support health care reform, it ought to enlist Bill Clinton for big town halls.
How to f^&*)*&^ing get f^&*(*^%*^ing Al Franken f$%*^%^$ing seated, okay?
Should anyone really care that we don’t have a Commerce Secretary?