Mark Goldberg has an excellent column in UN Dispatch “Eradicating a Disease vs. Eradicating a Terrorist.” I have no problem with the CIA mounting devious black ops to find Bin Laden. Yet anyone who knows the difficult history of global immunization knows that such public health activities pose a special challenge, and mark special points [...]
Archive for the ‘Terrorism and its control’ Category
Marc Lederman and the legal basis for the bin Laden operation, including possible surrender..
I was in London for the two terrorist attacks on public transportation systems in July of 2007. The darting eyes of passengers on the underground in the weeks afterward, the staring at any bag or parcel on a bus that seemed to have no obvious owner, attested to the great and enduring fear the attacks [...]
By now it is pretty obvious that the House GOP leadership is essentially devoid of ideas outside of Social Darwinism and Objectivism. But I noticed the other day that its cultural pose is also one of pure puffery. Consider “Young Guns,” the “book” theoretically authored by Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy. “Young Guns” [...]
Should a homeowner annoyed about the lights of a neighboring mosque be allowed to post a sign in his yard saying “Bomb making next driveway?” I’d say no.
Yes, it’s possible to hate the sin and love the sinner, and their should be decency even in rejoicing. But if we’re not glad that bin Laden is dead, why ask the SEALs to risk their lives to kill him?
If you really think this was murder, of course you should say so. But it’s flat-out unpatriotic to maunder about “extra-judicial killing” just because you hate Barack Obama and don’t want him to get credit for an accomplishment.
The deaths of Richard Crouchback and Osama bin Laden compared, with family preening
Commenting yesterday on how the United States discovered Bin Laden’s whereabouts: “I would assume that the enhanced interrogation program that we put in place produced some of the results that led to bin Laden’s ultimate capture,” said former Vice President Dick Cheney on Fox News. That’s right! He would assume it. He wouldn’t try to [...]
Not much protest over taking out bin Laden. Maybe Muslims aren’t really fans of mass murder after all.