Archive for the ‘Miers Nomination’ Category

October 24th, 2005

Will conservatives learn the right lesson from the Miers flap?

October 18th, 2005

I was asked yesterday by a prof over at Yale Law School how I explained the conflict within the Republican party over the Miers nomination. Thankfully, this was one thing I probably DO know something about-I’m finishing up a book on the conservative legal movement, and I think the theory in that book sheds light [...]

October 5th, 2005

It’s not surprising that Bush would prefer not to disclose documents from Miers’ White House service; from what we know, the sausage factory in which this administration turned advice and information into policy is probably a pathology museum of ways to do it wrong. But his current executive privilege claim means that almost everything [...]

October 4th, 2005

George Will, not happy, is to be congratulated for writing about something besides the politics of the game and the “judicial philosophy” of the nominee, where the phrase in quotes seems to mean “how will she vote on RvW?” most of the time. He’s one of few columnists who seem concerned about the actual business [...]

October 4th, 2005

As they used to say in radio, “the hits just keep coming.” George Will, who is the very quintessence of mainstream conservatism, has all but said in his recent column that the Miers nomination should be presumptively rejected.
Wills’ non-deference to the president is on top of the opposition of Bill Kristol, David Frum, John Yoo, [...]

October 4th, 2005

Is it the concept “brilliant” Harriet Miers is unclear on, or the concept “George W. Bush”?

October 4th, 2005

Jack Balkin is a hell of a smart guy, who runs a very meaty blog. His post here is about the best guess I’ve seen anyone give, including me, about where Miers is likely to come out. In essence, Balkin argues that Miers is a throwback to the kinds of judges that the Republicans used [...]

October 4th, 2005

Classical precedent for Bushite cronyism.

October 3rd, 2005

A former student of mine sent me the following reaction to the Miers nomination, which I thought was worth sharing with our readers:
“I’m very disgusted at Bush’s announcement. When someone appoints a woman or minority to such a position, they need to find someone who is just as qualified as the most qualified white men [...]

October 3rd, 2005

Better late than never.