Let’s not hear any more about Alito’s “neutrality.” He’s a right-wing partisan, and his thank-you letter to James Dobson shows it.
Archive for the ‘Alito Nomination’ Category
Bush is breaking the law, and his Supreme Court nominee is basically OK with that. If that isn’t an “extraordinary circumstance,” what is?
I was a little sore at Prof. Bainbridge for using my post on Alito as a punching bag in a way that would be off the mark if he had read the whole thing, so I held off responding until now. I’m also impatient with the straw man dichotomy between judges who respect the law [...]
Alito backs the Bush rationale for committing felonies whenever he wants to. Now the Democrats in the Senate need to decide whether they’re serious about defending the Constitution.
The skids seem to be well-greased for Alito’s appointment to the Supreme Court, and (less certainly) for a reversal or drastic restriction of Roe v. Wade. Goethe famously warned “be careful what you wish for in youth, for you will certainly achieve it in old age” and the consequences for the right will be [...]
Do conservatives want to get rid of the bigots in their ranks?
[more on this issue here and here above] I have been dipping into the Alito hearings, not following them completely, but enough to form a distinct and I think a fair impression. I read the nominee as a competent, careful, capable legal craftsman, unprejudiced as regards religion or race, and a decent guy. He [...]
Kevin Drum is unsure about what the “battle cry” against Alito ought to be. After all, he notes, Alito hasn’t really come out and said anything outrageous.
Is Alito fudging furiously? Probably. But it still doesn’t give liberals much of a purchase to lead a battle against his nomination. Subtle arguments about the nature of [...]
The fight over Alito will distract people from the Plame affair. Too bad. The Democrats probably need to fight anyway.
Here are my “no inside sources” speculations on what drove Bush to pick Alito:
a) Bush obviously had to get his base, especially those in the organizational wing of the Republican party back on side. Based on all of the initial blogging today, he succeeded completely-conservatives seem to have gone from “time to jump ship” to [...]