Arianna Huffington, speaking at the UCLA Public Affairs commencement, had three pieces of advice for our graduates:
1. Follow your own drummer.
2. Put “changing the world” on your to-do list.
3. Get enough sleep.
Good advice, especially the last bit.
Archive for the ‘Alito’ Category
A year and a half ago I opined about Alito with more here. I feel like a tree full of owls after his petty and small-minded opinion in Ledbetter , and what’s a blog for if not to preen a little.
The holding bids us recall Anatole France’s immortal
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids [...]
All judges judge by their personal beliefs. Whose beliefs would you expect them to judge by?
I’m not sure I entirely agree with Mark on this. First of all, it’s not clear that CAP was particularly “paleo” at the time it was created. It appears just to have been “conservative,” with different shades represented. I’d imagine, like other conservative organizations at the time (like National Review), it had a range of [...]
Back when open bigotry against women and racial minorities was fashionable, Samuel Alito joined a group that wanted to keep women and minorities out of Princeton. Ten years later, he used that membership to show the paleoconservatives then running the Reagan Administration he was one of them. Now, he’d like to forget it. Democrat’s won’t let him. McCarthyism? I don’t think so.