Thanks to Jonathan adding the missing piece, I now see the big picture into which the Ghuman case is a window: it’s all about music! Musicians of all sorts are nothing but a rogues’ gallery of subversion and disrespect for traditional values: Rouget de Lisle, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Gilberto Gil, Richard Wagner, the Dixie [...]
Archive for the ‘Struggle Between Good and Evil’ Category
Mike’s post about Nalini Ghuman, setting forth the real reasons for her exclusion from the United States, missed what seems to me is the critical point: her husband is a countertenor. This is a definite sign of effeminate, anti-American Islamofascist subversion in favor of such radical Islamist programs as gay marriage. Note how Ghuman’s husband [...]
The forces of light, truth, and goodness triumphed twice today as the glorious armies of virtue, one on each coast, invaded the very hearts of evil and whupped the bad guys 30-24 and 27-3. The Saturday before Thanksgiving has, however, a structural design error that requires me to rearrange neurons between two football games, from [...]
A reader writes: “NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!! Chicago is a wonderful baseball town that hasn’t had a team in the Series since 1959. The Red Sox, of course, won it all just last year. It’s Chicago’s turn.” Chicago???!!! Let me explain. Baseball is a great ongoing drama in which a cast of minor players [...]
…seem to have won the playoff series. This is easily misunderstood. Gloom and woe are entirely appropriate, but a defeat for everything noble, good, and righteous, at this awesome scale, can only be an enormous sponge sopping up bad karma in other spheres. This means a lot less for (eg) Tom Delay to spread around; [...]