This semester I laid on a freshman seminar about Art and Despair, partly because I was already offering Arts and Cultural Policy, partly because Cal had set up a program to encourage freshman seminars about art and promised Oakleys for any art event on campus. And partly because at that point in the fall I [...]
Archive for the ‘Struggle Between Good and Evil’ Category
Mark’s cold shower is entirely correct. But I think he may be insufficiently pessimistic. The pieces haven’t been all thrown up in the air to fall back randomly; the system has a lot of structure and the dice are heavily loaded in favor of the army, which is the only institution to come out of [...]
I don’t care much about pro football, but I care about American values, and this afternoon American values are under attack as never in the last, um, few days or something. The Steelers are what made America great, a profit-making company that sells TV eyeballs to advertisers and fan chotchkes to all and sundry. Their [...]
Nancy Pelosi v. George W. Bush in the World Series? Maybe.
Occasionally my training as an engineer prompts me to ask, “why aren’t conservation laws more useful in social science?” In economics, everything is held together with bungee cords (which is OK, all physical mechanisms are more or less elastic) but the quantities of everything, including money, seem to be spongy as well. Analysis of gay [...]
The 600,000 Israelites freed in the exodus are a drop in the bucket compared to today’s 27+ million slaves.
From the NYT, posted 7 minutes ago: Democrats Seem Set to Go Alone on a Health Bill Now all we need to do is get rid of the “seem,” and we’re set.
I suppose that Hillary Clinton is doing us all a favor by waiting until Friday to declare her campaign suspended. That way, over the next 48 hours, we can focus on the real business at hand: the NBA Finals. I grew up in Los Angeles and have been a Lakers fan for as long as [...]
The Battle Hymn of the Republic as an exemplar of jihadist feeling.
henry Kissinger wheeled out to defend sticking it out in Iraq.