Sometimes politics really IS simple.
Archive for the ‘Stimulus’ Category
The REAL way to get past partisan bickering on the stimulus.
An okay result from the sausage factory: just don’t tell me I have to like it.
Rachel Maddow shamelessly flouts bipartisanship, calls some claims about economics better than others.
The McCain stimulus substitute amendment that got 40 Republican votes yesterday had procurement of military items in it, but somehow the Republicans insist that icebreakers be removed from the Democratic package.
Nancy Pelosi today, on the stimulus: Washington seems consumed in the process argument of bipartisanship, when the rest of the country says they need this bill. Meanwhile, the headline in Politico? “Pelosi Dismisses Bipartisanship Calls.” Mao Zedong might have been the most evil ruler in history, but things like this make me want to send [...]
Even conservative corporate consultants know that building highways instead of transit could have devastating climate impacts. Why doesn’t Larry Summers?
Three moral arguments Obama could make against protectionism in the stimulus.