In seasonable praise of candlelight
Archive for the ‘Evolutionary psychology’ Category
December 22nd, 2010
July 11th, 2008
Category: Blogging, Evolutionary psychology, History, Humor, Journalism (Online and Otherwise), Literature, MSM (mainstream media), Woolgathering
Addison and Steele as proto-bloggers.
March 5th, 2008
Category: Academic Labor Market, Education policy, Evolutionary psychology, Feminism, Policy Analysis, Science and its methods, Women in academia
Two dispatches this week from the “is our girls and women learning?” wars. Elizabeth Weil writes about the nascent movement for single-sex education in public schools, and Christina Hoff Sommers takes on efforts to socially engineer the equal representation of women in science and engineering PhD programs. (Charlotte Allen’s “Women are dumb” doesn’t make the [...]
January 19th, 2007
Category: Evolutionary psychology
Frank Sulloway’s flawed monument “Born to Rebel”: half right, with a hypotheuis why.