Pincus and Milbank report that Richard Clarke was mostly telling the truth.
Archive for the ‘Richard Clarke’ Category
Was Powell polite about Clarke because he’s mad at Wolfowitz over Chalabi’s disinformation?
Now that the White House is (behind its usual shield of anonymity, of course) gay-baiting Richard Clarke, those who have been criticizing him personally, as opposed to criticizing his foreign policy views (Glenn Reynolds, for example, or Mickey Kaus, as opposed to Dan Drezner) have, it seems to me, three choices:
1. Say that [...]
Bill Frist got up on the floor of the Senate and accused Richard Clarke of committing a felony. He then admitted that he had no idea whether the accusation had any basis or not.
Does the Bush Administration really want to establish the precedent that officials who put a pro-Administration spin on their communications to Congress may later face criminal charges
Slime-and-defend logic at its slimiest: Since Condi Rice is African-American, and since Richard Clarke clashed with Condi Rice, Richard Clarke must be a racist.
Releasing the tape of Richard Clarke’s background briefing isn’t very damaging to Clarke’s credibility, or so Dan Drezner says. But what about Fox News?
The power Clarke accumulated under Clinton and lost under Bush was tied to a particular point of view: that al-Qaeda was a pressing threat to the US homeland. The decision to leave Clark in charge of counter-terrorism but to strip him of staff and make him report through Rice rather than directly to the President was a decision to downgrade the importance of the threat.
In no particular order:
1. The only sensible thing to do after what was obviously a major failure was to ask “What happened, and how can we keep it from happening again?” Anyone interested in the answer to that question ought to want to hear what Richard Clarke says, since he was about as [...]
Just checked in with one of my pro-war, pro-Bush national security expert friends. Here’s what I learned:
1. Clarke is the real deal.
2. What he says is convincing.
3. What he says makes the Bush team look very bad.
4. What Cheney says about Clarke is a pack of lies.
My friend’s parting comment: [...]