Archive for the ‘Republican Party’ Category

January 28th, 2012

Mitt Romney usefully points out that his tax rate is more like 50% than 15%, because the corporations from which he got his capital gains paid a corporate income tax of 35%, more or less.  Good point! Anyone whose income comes from the private sector  can add 35% to his actual tax rate, and should [...]

January 23rd, 2012

Marianne Gingrich’s lawyer comes along today with a (mostly-accurate) attack on the Newtster.  No big deal there.  But wait a minute: the former Mrs. Gingrich’s lawyer is Victoria Toensing — where have I heard that name before? Oh yes — that Victoria Toensing.  Long-time Washington GOP political operative.  A very high priced inside-the-Beltway fixer for [...]

January 22nd, 2012

A sweet distraction from a depressing GOP primary.

January 19th, 2012

If you think we should discuss economic inequality in anywhere but quiet rooms, then go to China — I already sent your job there. Okay, cheap shot.  But equating any discussion of inequality with Communism as Romney did is no more than crude red-baiting. Nevertheless, I can’t agree with those who think that the exchange means that “the pressure [...]

January 12th, 2012

Love this account of a pissing match between Warren Buffett and Mitch McConnell.  The Senator from Kentucky has been urging the Sage of Omaha to make voluntary contributions to the Treasury if he felt he was undertaxed.  Buffett has now responded that he’ll match any such contributions made by Republican Senators. This dialogue makes in [...]

January 11th, 2012

Teresa R. Wagner, a conservative Republican who applied for a faculty job at Iowa and was turned down, thinks so: Ms. Wagner, who graduated from the law school in 1993 and had taught at the George Mason University School of Law, was not hired. She sued, alleging discrimination because of her political beliefs. Late last [...]

January 8th, 2012

James Joyner reflects thoughtfully on Huntsman’s campaign and suggests that a post-Tea Party-madness era will come when candidates such as the Utah governor are popular in the GOP again: It’s pretty obvious to dispassionate observers that the trend of the last twenty years or so is unsustainable if the GOP is to remain a nationally [...]

December 22nd, 2011

That’s what pundits would have you believe, that we’re a “center-right” nation, that Reaganism is deep in the electorate’s bones, yadda yadda yadda.  But does the data bear it out?  Well, no.   James A. Stimson is a political scientist at the UNC-Chapel Hill, and one of the most well-respected public opinion researchers in the [...]

November 21st, 2011

Over the last few years, whenever I have been forced to watch Newt Gingrich on television, I have had this nagging question at the back of my head: where have I seen this before?  And suddenly, it just hit me: Gingrich is AWESOM-O. AWESOM-O, you might recall, is a fake robot, invented by Cartman from [...]

November 21st, 2011

Mississippi Republicans give Abraham Lincoln narrow lead (though no majority) against Jeff Davis. But hey, there’s progress: a narrow majority now think blacks should be allowed to marry whites.