A theological objection to Krugman’s coinage of “economic purgatory”.
Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category
Tisha B’Av — a commemoration of ancient Israel’s destruction and a warning of its future collapse.
Marx’s slogan “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his need!”, ironical or not, describes the contradiction of welfare economics not a scheme of economic organization, and should be dropped as the definition of communism.
Some positive thought therapy is harmless and maybe builds social capital of affection and community. Surely it’s good for me to concentrate on the welfare of someone else even if the magic mystery ray doesn’t actually transmit; if the patient is present, I can’t imagine that the zillion subconscious signals we are so good at [...]
No-much as we wish they would.
NPR may be the best thing going in serious journalism these days. So why is it running magical-thinking stories about the healing power of spirituality?
It’s not actually about Peeps and chocolate rabbits.
My other favorite resurrection It’s 200 years later, but I always hear this one in my head when I see the Grunewald and vice versa.
The schismatic ultra-catholic Bishop Richard Williamson’s Holocaust denial, and his other idiocies.
Did he mean that it would be better to remain silent than to speculate about the nature of the Divine?