Archive for the ‘Polling’ Category

September 3rd, 2011

How often in your life have you heard a political commentator say something like “Well 50% of Americans may disapprove of the job the President is doing, but he is still better off than Members of Congress, of whom 70% of Americans disapprove”? Countless op-eds, essays and news stories travel the same lines. Typically, they [...]

October 30th, 2010

The polling for Tuesday looks grim, and it’s probably right. But it might be wrong. So brace yourself for a bad night, but don’t despair.

October 13th, 2010

There are two houses of Congress — and this year, that means that there are two different midterms.

April 12th, 2010

Ed Kilgore points out that a lot of the predictions of a rout in November rely on double-counting voter enthusiasm.