Tom Garwin’s insight: It’s not a strategy unless it tells you what NOT to do.
Archive for the ‘Policy Analysis’ Category
The most powerful argument in this LA Times op-ed piece opposing the charitable tax deduction is that it’s a poor trade-off. Retired foundation executive Jack Shakely points out that charities have permitted themselves to be shorn of their ability to influence policy and politics in return for a mess of pottage. Of course the restrictions [...]
James Heckman’s policy proposal offers the long term benefits of increased economic growth and reduced income inequality. To misquote Meatloaf, “2 out of 3 ain’t bad”. What do we do in the short term? Europe’s Southern nations should sell some of their unique assets (such as their tourist sites) to China and Germany to [...]
Kudos to my nonprofit consulting colleagues Campbell and Co. for sponsoring a study by the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy to determine the impact on giving of increased marginal tax rates and a cap the charitable-giving deduction. While some of us have been arguing that both of these moves toward social justice should be supported [...]
Paul Meier passed away-he of the Kaplan-Meier survival curve. Dennis Hevesi of the New York Times and Aaron Carroll at the Incidental Economist bring their respective awesomeness to remembering this great statistician and health services researcher. Meier was yet another pioneering scholar working right across the Midway from where I type this post. If you’ve [...]
I recently wrote a New Republic column about cell phones and brain tumors. I was gratified to see my column get some attention. Yet when I started to see it pop up on websites such as, and when I started getting emails from other public health researchers, I realized that some clarification and correction [...]
OK I am dramatizing a bit. But John Donahue and Richard Zeckhauser each emailed responses to my sagely review. Richard notes the changes in PDUFA to improve post-market surveillance. He also notes the role of the new law in assisting HIV/AIDS patients. No argument there. Regarding my comments about parks, he writes: Don’t let the [...]
Public-private collaboration, for better and for worse, is the way of American government. It’s the subject of John Donahue and Richard Zeckhauser’s new book.
Many of us who comment on policy spend so much time making faux-sophisticated Powerpoint arguments of the sort David Brooks makes about health reform. We forget how glib and superficial these bullet points can be.