By proposing the gas tax holiday, an idea only a fool or an ignoramus could take seriously, Hillary Clinton has advertised to the world that she thinks her voters are easy marks. Some of them probably resent it, or could be encouraged to do so. And the same goes for John McCain in the general election: the press has already more or less announced that the idea is bogus.
Archive for the ‘Gas tax holiday’ Category
Of course experts sometimes get things wrong. But a politician who breaks with the expert consensus on an issue has an obligation to explain why and how the experts are wrong. Calling expertise “elitism” is a slimy ploy, and we’ve had almost eight years of seeing how well it works in real life.
The gas tax holiday won’t help consumers, even a tiny bit, unless the oil companies decide to pass it along in lower prices. Obama asks, “Does anyone here really trust the oil companies?”
Everyone hates the McClinton proposal, and some mainstream outlets are abandoning “he said/she said” to report that the gas tax holiday is a policy loser.
Obama’s anti-gas-tax-holiday TV spot is up. Effective, but not very accurate.