Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

February 5th, 2004

Nick Confessore at Tapped has more on the Sharpton-Stone scandal, quoting this Wayne Barrett investigative piece from the Village Voice. The organizer (on Jim Baker’s orders) of the “bourgeois riot” that shut down the Miami recount in 2000 — a riot designed to prevent black votes for Al Gore from being counted — is [...]

January 28th, 2004

Roger Stone has been advising Al Sharpton. At least Sharpton has the good taste to lie about it. But Stone is unashamed.
Tucker Carlson explains the commonality that binds him and Stone to Sharpton: black racists and Reagan conservatives join in hating liberals. Well, as FDR said, I wear their hatred of [...]

September 9th, 2003

Slate thinks that fronting for Tawana Brawley’s false accusation of rape was “the worst thing you’ll ever hear about Al Sharpton.” [*]
I understand that Seattle is a long way from New York, but haven’t William Saletan, Ben Jacobs, and Avi Zenilman ever heard of Crown Heights? Sharpton’s anti-Semitic rhetoric helped incite a race riot [...]