Archive for the ‘Ahmed Chalabi’ Category

September 6th, 2004

How much of Chalabi’s money do the neocons have in their pockets?

August 9th, 2004

Forced to choose between acknowledging Ahmed Chalabi’s double-dealing and denouncing actions taken by the United States in Iraq as violations of international law, some of the neocons are sticking with their buddy.

August 7th, 2004

The Chalabi-Moqtada connection: not looking good for Chalabi’s American sponsors.

June 3rd, 2004

Who leaked to Chalabi about the codes? And who liked about Chalabi to the newspapers?

June 3rd, 2004

Because he didn’t commit any crimes. He remembered what the neocons forgot: he’s an Iraqi, owing loyalty to his country, not ours.