Ed Glaeser has an interesting post attempting to run the numbers for high speed rail. For my money, the most important point is that the thing that makes high speed rail problematic in most parts of the country is the absence of a tightly concentrated central business district. High speed rail makes sense in the [...]
Archive for the ‘Older Threads’ Category
Palau has agreed to take in the Uighurs — and has demonstrated just about every other nation’s hypocrisy and cowardice.
Jon scooped me on this last night because I got home so late from the all-day meeting of the Air Resources Board that adopted the LCFS. I was there because my team at Berkeley (with another group at Davis and a subcontract to Purdue) did a large part of the supporting research for this [...]
Why do so many people take so many opportunities to talk about how they are being silenced?
Should anyone really care that we don’t have a Commerce Secretary?
Isn’t the fact that so many in the CIA are telling the media that only one of theirs counts as a legitimate boss the single best reason for appointing from outside? The same goes for the military, in fact.
… at the prospect of an Obama Administration. Yes, it’s a complicated situation, but whatever makes Bashir afraid can’t be all bad, can it?
Are cash grants to all rural residents more “populist” than agricultural subsidies? Only if one mistakenly thinks that populism has something to do with equity.
Let’s make the new Secretary of Education’s job easier, and take one worry off his plate.
I seriously doubt that Secretary of Education will be one of the cabinet positions chosen in the next couple of weeks. That’s good, because I hope that Obama’s advisors take the matter very seriously. The tendency will be to pluck an aggressive K-12 reformer out of the field-someone like Michelle Rhee from DC, or Joel [...]