My cameo in the New York Times.
Archive for the ‘MSM (mainstream media)’ Category
Jon Caulkins and I wrote an op-ed for the UK Guardian yesterday, which based on our US experience with the media was worded in a plainspoken style. The editor added a lede using the word “Manichean”. Meanwhile, next to us on the page was Hans Kundnani’s analyses of “ordoliberalism“. When I see him in London [...]
Christopher Wanjeck lists the five biggest retractions of science in 2011. Some were honest errors, others were likely fraud. Here are the inaccurate findings that were later retracted: (a) Closing medical marijuana dispensaries increases crime (b) Butterflies once accidentally mated with worms, thereby creating caterpillars (c) Appendicitis should be treated with antibiotics rather than surgery [...]
Media coverage today of PM Cameron’s veto of the latest EU attempt to deal with the “EuroMess” (h/t Ezra Klein) has a focus which has become familiar. The Guardian reports that the UK will now be unpopular in Paris and in other European capitals. The Telegraph relays that the other heads of the EU are [...]
Soccer fans do not idolize mere team managers like Paterno.
It’s gratifying when Ezra Klein quotes my work, since I admire what he and his colleagues Suzy Khimm, Sarah Kliff, Dylan Matthews, and Brad Plumer are doing at the Washington Post‘s Wonkblog. Wonkblog was relaunched and expanded this week. I think this is a particularly heartening development for the future of web journalism. (The Robert [...]
The Telegraph really covered itself in glory last Friday by printing a few selected photos of the Cameron-Johnson tennis match on the front page with minimal text. The men and their styles have been compared in countless essays and news articles, but somehow all those words don’t convey as much as these well-shot and well-chosen [...]
The parallel between Murdoch’s lawyers at the News of the World and Vatican spokesmen on child abuse.
Tim Noah no longer has a job. Andrew Malcolm still does.
Slate has apparently laid off several outstanding journalists, including Timothy Noah. One of the best journalists out there, Tim did a great job covering health care reform. His award-winning series on inequality provides only one reason to eagerly await his next gig.