Paul Ryan’s proposals seem politically self-immolating. I’m not complaining. I’m just puzzled.
Archive for the ‘Medicaid’ Category
Bob Greeinstein brings the big* numbers. Jon Cohn says what I would say about it. Jonathan Z was way ahead of me, again. Come to think of it, I say what I would say about Ryan’s Medicaid plan: Person-for-person, Medicaid is probably the leanest program in the American healthcare system. Unfortunately, Medicaid recipients are probably [...]
Denying Medicaid-funded prenatal care to undocumented immigrants.
In trying to duck their Medicaid responsibilities, Republican governors could be rushing into a long-term budget disaster for their states.
Avik Roy responds to my last post. I appreciate that he took the time to do so. There needs to be more talk across the ideological divide. Still, I stand by what I said. In my further response to him, I’m also unimpressed by Roy’s bromides regarding Medicaid’s furtherance of “welfare dependency, that leads to [...]
I’m baffled by Avik Roy’s continued argument that being on Medicaid is worse than being uninsured. I’m even more baffled that he mixes it up with Austin Frakt on these matters.
Representative David Camp believes poor people lack “skin in the game,” because they do not pay federal income taxes. OK, but what if Americans had real skin in the game as we contemplate retrenching government services in a deep recession.
What kind of state eliminates Medicaid hospice benefits and cuts meal deliveries to disabled seniors? I liked South Carolina much better when we were all joking about the Appalachian trail.
Arizona richly deserves the bad publicity for its draconian Medicaid transplant policies. Medicare deserves blame, too, for its draconian disability waiting period policies.