Archive for the ‘Libertarianism’ Category

July 30th, 2010

On Elizabeth Warren, Charles Fried gets what “libertarian” politicians don’t: it’s no favor to “markets” to let fraud run rampant.

June 29th, 2010

How many subsidies will libertarians demand for their favorite bigots?

May 24th, 2010

Rand Paul represents the return of the Old Right.

May 21st, 2010

If Rand Paul can’t stand up to David Gregory, how can he stand up to the terrorists?

May 21st, 2010

With due respect to Mark (here and here), I think that Rand Paul’s real problems in 90-percent-white Kentucky will stem from the implications of his radical libertarianism for working-class whites, not African-Americans. Jonathan Singer at asks four questions that Paul couldn’t answer in a way that would make him both truthful and electable: Do [...]